MACK #49: More Deadly Than War

Hi gang, we’ve been taking a break for a bit.

Recently Owen Benjamin posted a link to a short clip on his Instagram.

If you can’t click now, that’s fine. It is of a gentleman sitting down and speaking. He says:

In 1943 the following directive was issued from party headquarters to all communists in the United States —

It read

“When certain obstructionists become too irritating label them, after suitable build-ups, as fascist or Nazi or anti-semitic and use the prestige of anti-fascist intolerance organizations to discredit them.

In the public mind, constantly associate those who oppose us with those names which already have a bad smell. The association will after enough repetition become fact in the public mind.”


That short clip led us to the full lecture which we have uploaded here. It is from 1969 and it’s all about the communists plans to infiltrate America, but purposely not using the word “Communism” and instead opting for the kinder, gentler “Socialism.” HOLY SHIT does this whole thing turn on a light bulb or ten.

Antifa, Black Lives Matter, racial divides, fires, violence — ALL OF IT.

This gentleman knows his shit and this lecture should be heard by everyone who scratches their head about the state of things today. Share it!

It’s almost like reading 1984. He’s that dead on.

And you know how you absolutely know that the left doesn’t want you to listen? Wikipedia describes (discredits) G Edward Griffin thusly:

G. Edward Griffin
(born November 7, 1931) is an American author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist. Griffin’s writings promote a number of false views and conspiracy theories regarding various of his political, defense and health care interests.

Pretty un-encyclopedia-like right?

So keeping that description in mind, here’s wikipedia’s description of a man Griffin quotes in this lecture regarding Marxism.

Herbert Aptheker (July 31, 1915 – March 17, 2003) was an American Marxist historian and political activist. He wrote more than 50 books, mostly in the fields of African-American history and general U.S. history, most notably, American Negro Slave Revolts (1943), a classic in the field.

He wrote a classic in the field. So you see the not-so-subtle differences in descriptions here. That tells me all I need to know.

So, yeah, this isn’t our usual fare. But this guy’s fifty year old lecture is absolutely spot-on in regards to what’s happening today.

It’s just amazing.

Also if you actually want to watch the lecture, you can do so right here as well, here’s the video: